Game Over (Simulation) (2020-2022)
Game Over (Simulation) is a project about grief and nostalgia in a playful attempt to ease my anxiety around death and acceptance of loss.

'Kid Wiley halftone' (2020). Silkscreen Print. Version 2.6. 42 x 594.4 cm.

'1st Generation Nintendo Controller' (2020). Acrylic on Canvas.Version 1.1. 594 x 841 mm

'1st Gen Nintendo Controller Mosaic' (2020). Triptych. Acrylic on canvas. Version 1-3. 1782 x 841 mm

'Game Over' (2020). Screen 1, GIF played on 3 video Screen. Variable Dimensions.

'Game Over' (2020). Screen 2, GIF played on 3 video Screens. Variable Dimensions.

'Game Over' (2020). Screen 3, GIF played on 3 video Screen. Variable Dimensions.

'Decepticons Takara' (2020). Photo Print. Variable Dimensions.

'PWing Wonky Wallpaper' (2022). Digital Print. Variable Dimensions.

'Nostalgia' (2020). Marker on Paper. 210 x 297 mm.

Collection of works together

'The Computer Cheated' (2020). Digital Print. Variable Dimensions.